"I alone can not change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."

"Earth laughs in flowers"

(quote by Ralph Waldo Emmerson)

"There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again."

(quote by Elizabeth Lawrence) 

Increasing evidence suggests the more time children spend in nature, the happier, healthier and smarter they are.

"One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin." -Shakespeare

Co-Creating Garden Spaces

"Gardening is a labour full of tranquility and satisfaction; natural and instructive, and as such contributes to the most serious contemplation, experience, health and longevity" - John Evelyn

November 2015 Openings

We have 2 full time openings available in our 2-3 year olds cottage (opening in November)

We have 2 part time openings available in our 3-5 year olds cottage.

Visit www.KaHanaPonoDaycare.com to apply online for free.

This Week In Gardening Class

Stop & Smell the Flowers...

Farm to Keiki with Aunty Lydi

Lydi Morgan Bernal will carry Ka Hana Pono's garden program forward with weekly garden lessons for the children and regular opportunities for family involvement through Garden Party Workdays and workshops. 

Garden lessons will focus on inspiring children to become reverent observers, caretakers, and co-creators with Nature. They will practice Garden Agreement and other protocols to help them be safe, kind, and respectful with plants, animals, people, and all beings! 

Lessons will introduce students to basic botany including the fundamental concepts of life cycles and plant parts, and important gardening concepts such as composting and soil health, nature's elements, garden creatures, moon phases, peace gardens, and the importance of trees. Children will plant and care for vegetables, fruits, herbs, medicinal plants, and traditional Hawaiian crops, and they will experience and celebrate the joy and bounty of our harvests!

Lydi was raised in Honolulu and graduated from Punahou School and Amherst College with a degree in Biology. Prior to her current role as Coordinator of the statewide Hawai‘i Farm to School and School Garden Hui, Lydi worked with the Kokua Hawai‘i Foundation (2006-2014) as a Garden Educator, then School Garden Coordinator where she collaborated on the creation of the ‘AINA In Schools K-6 garden and compost curriculum, trained volunteers, and worked with public and charter elementary schools on O‘ahu to create and sustain school gardens and farm to school programs. She is a certified O‘ahu Master Gardener and Permaculture Designer, a graduate of Hawai‘i’s Agricultural Leadership Program, and a member of the Hawai‘i School Peace Gardens committee. Lydi and her husband Raul own and operate The Garden Oven brick oven pizza business on the North Shore and their daughter Malu is a happy member of the Ka Hana Pono 'ohana!!!

Free Composting Workshop & Chicken Fence Building

Composting at Ka Hana Pono

Garden Work Day

Mahalo to everyone who came out to lend some hands to renew and refresh our garden and playground area.  Aunty Lydi from our Farm to Keiki Program did an awesome job coordinating the work that needed to be done and it was awesome for all of us to be a part of the transformation! :)

Uncle Bisons Music School

Stryker and Uncle Bison are great buddies as they share a love for music and laughter! 

Farm to Keiki Program

The children got to participate in making a worm composting station - mahalo Aunty Lydi for sharing your aloha aina with Ka Hana Pono's keiki!

Music may achieve the highest of all missions...

Yes we do have a drum set that makes its way to the playground every now and then...why not? smile emoticon XOXOXO
"Music may achieve the highest of all mission: she may be a bond between nations, races, and states, who are strangers in many ways; she may unite what is disunited and bring peace to what is hostile." ~ Dr. Max Bendiner
"During moments of musical euphoria, blood travels through the brain to areas where other stimuli can produce feelings of contentment and joy-and travels away from brain cell areas associated with depression and fear." ~Dr. Frederick Tims, reported in AMC Music News, June 2, 1999


Bananas don’t actually grow on trees—they grow on plants that are officially classified as an herb (not surprisingly, the world’s largest herb). They’re in the same family as lilies, orchids, and palms.
Banana plants grow up to 25 feet high, and their leaves can grow to be 9 feet long and 2 feet wide. Their roots can be hundreds of years old.
Bananas are technically berries.
Banana plants grow not from seeds but from bulbs.
A cluster of bananas is called a hand, and a single banana is called a finger. Each banana hand has about 10 to 20 fingers.
About 75 percent of the weight of a banana is water.
A few varieties of wild bananas include bubblegum pink bananas with fuzzy skins, green-and-white striped bananas with pulp the color of orange sherbet, and bananas that taste like strawberries when they’re cooked.

It's A Magical World...

"The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper" ~Bertrand Russell