Early Birds Tending To Their Gardens

Rainbows & Smiles :)




$415.00 per month

There is no fee to apply; you can submit your application online here:http://fs4.formsite.com/KaHanaPono/form3/index.html

Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday from 7:30AM to 5:00PM

Healthy Meals and Snacks Are Included:  A mid-morning snack, healthy lunch; & an afternoon snack are served each day. Parents bring a home lunch for their child each day. Rice, soy, and cow milk are all organic and available each day along with water and occasionally 100% organic fruit juices.

Apply online and you will be contacted within 48 hours of our receiving your Application to confirm the information and schedule a visit and interview.  

Upon acceptance payment of the annual enrollment fee of $150.00 is required to secure the space for your child.

Children are not required to be potty trained upon entry however the number of children in diapers enrolled at any given time is limited.

We participate with most Child Care Subsidy Programs. These are programs that provide funds to eligible families with children to assist them in meeting the cost of licensed child care. (examples: Alu Like, Arbor Day, First to Work & etc...)

Web: http://kahanaponodaycare.com 

Blog: http://www.khp808.blogspot.com

Phone: 808-638-2631

Fax: 866-677-0529

Dropin Childcare Available Nov 2013-Feb2014

Aloha Parents!

Between the months of November 2013 thru February 2014 Ka Hana Pono will have a couple of dropin spots available each day. 

Please feel free to either occasionally take advantage of this if your child already attends part time or please pass this information on to any friends with young children who might be interested...maybe it's  chance to guarantee you can catch some waves this surf season!! :) :)

Hours: 730am-5pm

Fee:    $50 per day per child.  If two siblings are attending it is $80 per day for the two children.

*Reservations are required.

Healthy Snacks & Beverages Are Included:  
·      A mid-morning snack, balanced lunch; and an afternoon snack are served each day.
·      Rice, soy, and cow milk are all organic and available each day along with water and occasionally 100% organic fruit juices.
·      Our snacks and beverages are fresh, organic, and GMO free everyday.

New Families:
·      If you're interested and your child has never attended Ka Hana Pono before please fill out an application online and we'll get back to you right away to schedule your child's dropin days and get you the required forms.  
·      Online Application:  http://fs4.formsite.com/KaHanaPono/form3/index.html

Please call, text or email us with any questions or for more information.

Ka Hana Pono Daycare

A licensed childcare center for ages 2-5 in Haleiwa at the Waialua Community Association.
808-638-2631 (ph)
866-677-0529 (fax)


Flu Season Reminders

Just a few reminders to keep your kids healthy during this season.  Please make sure kids are washing their hands, covering their coughs, eating right and getting enough sleep. 


Colds are a common occurrence. If your child has just a common cold, please notify childcare staff and we will monitor his/her health throughout the day.  If your child cannot participate in the ordinary daily routine or exhibits any of the below symptoms he/she is too sick to be in childcare.


  • The following are some symptoms that are evident of more than the common cold and warrant keeping a child home.

• bad cold with hacking or persistent cough

• green or yellow nasal drainage

• moderate drainage (green/yellow) from the mouth, nose, eyes, or ears

• ear ache

• sore throat

• elevated temperature (greater than or equal to 101.0 degrees F)

• swollen glands

• vomiting

• red discoloration to the whites of the eyes

• diarrhea

• head lice or nits

• skin rashes as they are difficult to diagnose unless since by a physician

• ringworm

• Chicken Pox.

• These symptoms may be present with or without a fever.

If your child is observed with symptoms of illness while at the childcare center, he/she will be given an area to rest in and you will be called immediately. 


  • If your child will be absent on a day he/she is scheduled to attend please contact the childcare center by phone call, text, or email as soon as possible. 

  • We ask that you inform the childcare center if your child is being kept home because of flu or some other contagious illness so that we can watch for signs of illness in the other children.

  • If your child is not infectious and your doctor has said they may attend childcare, but your child is still not feeling 100%, please see that we have everything to make him/her comfortable. Items such as extra clothing, pillows, blankets, medication, etc. can be very helpful to your child.

Thank you for doing your part in keeping our students healthy!