What's real and what's not real...

Today the children had fun making monsters for later discussion about ghouls, goblins and witches --- what's real and what's not real.

Games are a great way to help children realize monsters aren't real. Dressing in costume and making a game of it can prove to children that masks aren't real.

You can also make up stories about the things that frighten children, and give the stories a happy ending. For example, we've been reading "Room on the Broom" about a witch who is kind and friendly to animals.

Boo in the Zoo

Celebrate the fact that Halloween is on a Friday and join the fun at the Honolulu Zoo. Play in the keiki zone, go trick-or-treating on the path, make lollipop spiders and other crafts, play with Legos and don’t discount the cool factor of visiting the zoo at night.

All ages $5. Children 2 years and younger are free.

Friday, October 31. 5:30-8 p.m. No one will be admitted after 7:30 p.m.

Honolulu Zoo, 151 Kapahulu Ave.

Call 926-3191 or go to http://www.honoluluzoo.org/boo/ for more information.

#boointhezoo #halloween #livealoha #trickortreat #boo

Things A Child Can Teach An Adult...

“A child can teach an adult three things: 

to be happy for no reason, 

to always be busy with something, 

and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.”

Paulo Coelho

What to do with all that Halloween Candy?

Have you heard of the Switch Witch? She's a witch-like tooth fairy who is willing to swap Halloween candy for a present for your child 

Even better, parents can help the Switch Witch donate all those sweet treats to U.S. Troops via Operation Gratitude. 

Here in Hawaii you can take your excess candy to Dr. Wilfred Miyasaki’s dental office in Downtown Honolulu.  Children and even adults, will receive $1.00 per pound of candy they bring in.  All candy collected will then be sent to U.S. troops overseas.

#switchwitch #halloween #operationgratitude #trickortreat #candyswap #halloweencandybuyback

A Sweet Reward...

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."  ~Luciano Pavarotti

There are no extra pieces in the universe...

“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.” ~ Deepak Chopra 

Lets Play Squares! :)

The kids call this the "square game"  Each square has a letter, number, or shape on it and we play guessing games where clues are given and the kids guess the letter, number or shape & the kids love choosing a letter square and seeing how many words they can think of that starts with that letter. 

If Facts Are The Seeds That Later Produce Knowledge & Wisdom...

“I sincerely believe that for the child, and for the parent seeking to guide him, it is not half so important to know as to feel when introducing a young child to the natural world... 

If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow...

The years of early childhood are the time to prepare the soil.” ~ Rachel Carson 

Word of the Day: Evaporation :)

Trunk or Treat, Sunday @ Waialua Elem

Trunk or Treat at Waialua Elementary School Sunday 10/26/14 from 5-730pm
*this community sponsored event brings Halloween to parking lots where kids can go from car to car getting candy 

Peaceful Child Blend

$45 for a 10ml roller bottle 


This is a perfect essential oil blend to use to keep your families immune systems strong! :)
"Immunity in a Bottle" with certified therapeutic grade essential oils. use DAILY on the bottoms of your little ones feet & moms/dads too!! **prevent illness**
message me if you'd like me to make this blend for you in the rollerball
$25 for a 5ml roller bottle

Happy Birthday Cory!!

Health Alert: Season of Colds & Croup

This is the time of year when keiki will be more likely to catch the common cold.  Symptoms can include: clear runny mucus and some coughing.

There is a more serious respiratory illness called croup which along with greenish mucus, slight fever also comes a harsh cough that often will only come on at night and you'll hear a barking like cough, for some children this leads to a restricting of the airways and difficulty breathing.  Croup is a viral infection.

**The best thing we can do for our selves and families health is to keep our immune systems strong:

- Essential vitamins, minerals, and Omega 3s along with healthier eating habits do our bodies good.

- OnGuard, Oregano, Melaleuca, Lemon, Frankincense, & Cinnamon are just a few oils absolutely crucial to keeping our bodies and our homes clean.

- A healthy gut strengthens our immune systems even more. LIVE probiotics for adults and children are essential - Celestials carries a children's chewable tablet in their refrigerator.

If you'd like me to give you more information and show you step by step how to do this daily in a very simple manner, let me know!  Kahanapono808@yahoo.com

**I use essential oils OnGuard and Breathe every night after baths on my little ones & if something is going around I add Oregano essential oil to the mix.  Most of these oils are antiviral and antibacterial so for me they are worth gold when as a source of preventative medicine as well as an aid in speeding up the healing process.

#superbugs #flu #childrenshealth #doterra #onguard #breathe #oregano #essentialoils

Teaching Children To Love Themselves

"Teaching children how to love themselves can be the antidote to helping children deal with all of the external forces that they get bombarded with on a daily basis.” -Dr Andrea Weiner, Emotionally Smart Beginnings